Naturist Ramblers Secretary
Naturist Ramblers Walk Registration Form
Naturist Ramblers Constitution
Naturist Ramblers Guidance for Walk Leaders
Health and Safety Policy
Vulnerable Adults Guidance
The Naturist Ramblers Club
is fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation
- 2018 (UK-GDPR). A copy of the Naturist Ramblers Privacy Statement
can be found here.
Richard Hope O.B.E. -
1934 to 2019
sadly passed away on the 14th October 2019 at the age of 85.
He was the SOC walks organiser for 10 years from 2005 to 2014.
Richard was Peter's predecessor. Richard ran the SOC walks with
military style precision and many of the ways that NatRam is
run today bears Richard's hallmarks.
Nat Ram have produced a
special newsletter
about Richard. During his earlier years he was editor of
the Railway Gazette and was awarded his OBE for services to journalism.
He lead a very full life, much of which is described in his obituary in the Daily Telegraph.
The Naturist
Ramblers Club was established in April 2016. An Inaugural Meeting
was held in mid-April at the Oxford Pub, where all the walk leaders
were invited. The main objectives of the meeting were to thrash
out the Constitution, elect the Naturist Ramblers Committee and
initiate the opening of a bank account.
of the Committee after the Inaugural Meeting |
NatRam in the Media
Times Magazine - Saturday
3rd September 2022
Read the article by Jane Mulkerrins of the Times Magazine
as she joins Nat Ram on our Great Bottom walk.
Internal Admin Bits
Setting up a walking club, naturist or otherwise, is not difficult,
but we did have to go through some interesting admin hurdles,
brought about because we advertise our walks to the public and
therefore have a duty of care to our walkers. If you are just
a group of friends getting together for a walk, then you can
ignore the following:
Other Naturist Rambling
We are The Naturist Ramblers Club. The first, the original. Not
to be confused with other similar sounding groups. We make no
apologies if that sounds pompous. It is a bit like golf tournaments
and The Open! It is not the British Open, but the first, the
original, The Open!
As mentioned elsewhere in our website, The Naturist Ramblers
Club (NatRam) took over from the walks section of The Singles
Outdoor Club (SOC) in 2016. SOC had been doing their walks since
1993. We chose the name 'Naturist Ramblers', because that is
what we do, albeit our walks only cover southern England.
With the clarification of the law on nudity in public as a result
of the guidance note issued by the College
of Policing, naturist rambling is becoming increasingly popular,
which is great. Nat Ram is more than happy to offer guidance
to any new groups that are trying to establish themselves. The
more of us that can try and spread the message that naturist
rambling is very enjoyable and legal, the better.
One minor problem that we have is that other groups that do naturist
rambling, also want to call themselves 'Naturist Ramblers', but
normally followed by an area identifier. Consequently, other
naturist rambling groups are starting to appear. This can lead
to confusion as to whether there is any connection between the
We cannot speak on behalf of other groups, just The Naturist
Ramblers Club (NatRam). Although we are a member club of British Naturism, we have no
other connections with other naturist rambling groups /clubs.
Legality of Naturist Rambling
The law
regarding nudity in public in England and Wales was clarified
in mid-2018. A Briefing
Note from the College of Policing states that passive nudity in public,
which includes nude rambling, is deemed to be a lawful activity
and that as no offences are being committed then no police action
will be necessary.
To put it into a nutshell, by participating in our style of Naturist
Rambling in England and Wales, we are very unlikely to be committing
any offence.
This is
the police putting into writing guidance from the Crown Prosecution
Service, which has been available for some while.
The Crown Prosecution Service's
Webpage - Nudity
in Public - Guidance on handling cases of Naturism
British Naturism (BN) website
also directs any police or other officers to the Briefing
Note from the College of Policing so that they can be aware
of just what the law of the land says on ordinary non-sexual
nudity in public and how they should be responding.
The webpage says:
There are three
main categories of public nudity. "Exposure" has strictly
defined limits under the law and does not mean simply 'exposed
to view'.
Recreational practice is continuously increasing year on year
and becoming ever more popular so there is an attending increasing
level of reporting.
1. Naturism and public nudity is lawful when undertaken passively:
sunbathing, swimming, cycling, gardening, maintenance, etc. Being
naked and/or being seen naked is not an offence. Parliament framed
The Sexual Offences Act s66 at the request of British Naturism
and other interested groups specifically to exempt Naturists
from criminality, even though they are exposed to view. A tiny
minority of the population dislikes nudity or finds nudity to
be morally wrong. They are sometimes strongly vocal in opposition
which Parliament accepts as part of our democracy.
2. Section 66 Sexual Offences Act 2003 was designed only to deal
with 'Flashing' which was the offence particularly addressed
in the Act, and usually requires someone to be clothed to launch
their attack which is preplanned with intention to frighten.
This is defined by the legal phrase "Alarm or Distress".
It is an active and aggressive action requiring intent creating
a causal link from the exposure of genitals into the fear or
distress inculcated into the victim.
3. A very small number of incidents where people are naked may
involve the necessity for medical intervention where individuals
are suffering mental aberration, are intoxicated or are under
the influence of drugs. A Safeguarding Response and ambulance
may be required.
NO cases have succeeded under this Act nor under under Section
5 of The Public Order Act for over 5 years. Parliament, CPS and
the courts do not consider nakedness per se to be disorderly
conduct. Further information is on the CPS web site - Nudity
in Public - Guidance on handling cases of Naturism
Control Room personnel should make initial enquiry to determine
the nature of any actions and behaviours rather than simply prejudge
on an individual's state of dress. Explanation to complainants
may be required as some people incorrectly believe that the sight
of nakedness is unlawful and call 999 accordingly.
Legal Department
HQ 01604 620361 |
British Naturism's Views and Thoughts
on Naturist Hiking
a walker or not, please view this video, it may save a life!!
brilliant tips on contacting the emergency services on your mobile
Help Me: The Secrets of using 112 on a mobile phone in an emergency/accident
by Lyle Brotherton, author of the Ultimate Navigation Manual.
The Verdict from First Time Naturist Ramblers
I have once
done some naked walking in the hills of southern France but have
always wanted to try it here in the U.K. Having followed the
activities of the Naturist Ramblers for a while, I decided if
I didn't try it now I never would.
It was with much trepidation that I signed up for the Leith Hill
walk in October. My chief concern was about meeting other people
on the walk, but I also fretted over the temperature. Choosing
the last walk of the season was pretty perverse, not least because
the weather had been decidedly unpromising in the days beforehand.
As many others have found, I needn't have worried on either count.
Peter, the walk leader, and my fellow walkers immediately put
me at my ease. Some 15 or 20 of us - all male - set off and within
10 minutes disrobed as if it was the most normal thing in the
world. Once we were under way, I really didn't feel cold. The
temperature was meant to be somewhere between 13 and 15 degrees,
which turned out to be fine. We were lucky to have no wind, even
if the promised sunny intervals never properly materialised.
The only time I felt chilly was when we stopped for lunch, at
which point I put on a shirt.
The walk was very enjoyable indeed, albeit a bit slower than
when I am on my own. This is probably inevitable with a big group
of walkers. Our encounters with non-naturists largely passed
off without incident or, in the case of one couple, involved
a chat with the female half of the pair, who said we were "very
Peter was an able leader, very careful to ensure that we kept
together and on the right route. He also guided us when to cover
up, such as when passing houses or as we approached the tower
at the top of Leith Hill, where the views were stunning.
What surprised me - and perhaps I shouldn't have been - was how
incredibly normal my fellow walkers were. We were also a decent
mix of ages. Nonetheless, I was very sorry that I had to leave
early and am now really looking forward to joining some walks
next year.
This was my
first NatRam walk. Although I have been walking the countryside
on my own since the seventies, this was the first opportunity
I have had since I came across NatRam.
I was a bit apprehensive whilst waiting for the walk to begin,
but one we started the nerves disappeared. It was ironic that
as we were stripping, two female dog walkers came across us.
However, they had come across the group before and made everyone
feel very at ease.
Walking in a group also seemed to be very natural as well, chatting
to new people and not giving a thought about being nude or even
bumping into people.
I had to leave early into the walk, but I did enjoy the time
I had.
The walk was very well organised and I am looking forward to
another one.
Thank you to all the organisers involved and everyone who turned
up and made me welcome.
I thoroughly
enjoyed my first NatRam walk, it was a great experience. It was
extremely well organised and the route was a great mix of open
countryside and more wooded areas. To be out in the British countryside
walking without clothes was extremely peaceful and at the same
time exhilarating. I felt respect for the textile walkers that
we passed as they all seemed to take us in their stride, some
actively supporting us.
All of the
NatRam walkers were entirely welcoming to me and, during the
walk, there were periods of both chatting to get to know fellow
naturists and quieter spells to enjoy the countryside passing
I'm already
looking forward to my next naturist ramble!
I very much enjoyed my first naturist walk with NatRam. It was
one of the best things I had done in my life. It felt quite liberating
and fun to enjoy nature in the nude. The remoteness of the area
meant that we didn't encounter many textiled individuals along
the walk, which made the experience very comfortable for a beginner.
The Team Leader and other members were very friendly and welcoming.
The walk was well organised with good pacing and we had adequate
rest times for lunch/tea. It was quite an enlightening experience
and I loved it. I look forward to similar activities in the future.
I was introduced to Naturist Ramblers by a friend and we both
joined the Sugar Hill walk. Although I know the area well, having
cycled and walked it before, this was the first time I had walked
it as a naturist and I must say the whole experience was very
enjoyable. The organisation by the two leaders was efficient,
but very low key and my friend and I were both made very welcome,
by both the leaders and other walkers. I will definitely try
another walk when I can.
I thoroughly enjoyed my first NatRam walk on the Ridgeway route.
The walk was
extremely well organised (good pre-event information was provided)
and was very ably led. It offered a mix of open stretches with
panoramic views and shaded woodland stretches with nice locations
for lunch and tea stops with a friendly, welcoming group of fellow
I can't wait
for the next one, and I made a point of emailing my thanks to
John F for his helpful information ahead of the walk, and also
to Alec who led the walk so impressively.
Thanks for
welcoming me on to the NatRam club. I have been a family and
club naturist for some years but this was my first time naturist
rambling and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I was made
to feel welcome from the off, and our group enjoyed twelve miles
of clothes-free walking through glorious countryside. The security
of being in a well- organised group really allowed me to put
aside worries about the route or reactions of textiles (of whom
we saw very few). The walk was very well organised by knowledgeable
and experienced ramblers and I felt very safe throughout. I could
just enjoy the experience of being part of nature. Afterwards
I felt like I had somehow rebooted and cleared a lot of modern
life's spam from my mind. I will definitely be coming along again.
I just wanted
to put in a word about my experience with the NatRam group's
walk yesterday. It was my first time on such a walk and I was
incredibly nervous, but I have to say the group really put me
at ease. They were friendly, chatty and very approachable and
they really made me feel welcome. The walk was very well organized
and well led by Laurie and it really didn't feel like a ten mile
walk. I'd like to single out in particular Laurie, Roger, Martin,
Stephen and Nick. (Sorry, I don't know their surnames) They were
I really enjoyed
my first Nat Ram walk! It's obviously a little intimidating joining
a group of strangers for the day, but people were extremely welcoming
and friendly, and I felt comfortable very quickly. I was glad
that people seemed to take the time to recognise that I was new
and on my own, so I didn't go without someone to talk to for
the whole day. The day ran very smoothly and I'm grateful for
the organisers and walk leaders for having everything planned
so robustly - and for providing interesting information about
the walks and sights as we went around. I'll look forward to
joining the group for another walk!
The Long Man
walk was my first walk with NatRam/Stark Trekkers and I thoroughly
enjoyed it. It was well organised and well paced. I was made
to feel very welcome and immediately felt part of the group.
Based on this experience, I would highly recommend the group
to other naturists who enjoy walking with good company
It was LOVELY!
Thank you so
much for making me feel welcome. It was a wonderful day and I
have copied all of the details for the future ones I am able
to get to into my calendar!
Id walked
solo before so had expectations, but the lovely surprise was
how much more relaxed it was in a group. Id never walked
anywhere and encountered other people before and so the other
great part was the delighted reactions of passers by. Regarding
organisation it was very reassuring to see how well organised
it was. Even if some footpaths had been engulfed by either nettles
or crops..!
I did enjoy
my first Nat Ram walk in the searing Berkshire September heat.
The tour leader Roger was welcoming and there were 4 or 5 of
us first timers there. It was a really unique and liberating
experience and I was surprised how quickly I felt at ease and
how nice it felt to be walking naked in the beautiful countryside.
I'll be back next Spring.
I took part
in my first NatRam walk this week at Leith Hill, Surrey and it
was a great experience. I wasn't sure what to expect as I'd never
done any naturist walking in public before but the group were
really friendly and welcoming and immediately made me feel at
ease. The route was easy to follow and the walk leader made sure
everyone was on the right track and nobody became separated from
the group. There was plenty of pleasant scenery, with woodlands,
rivers, a waterfall and some great views at the top of the hill
and it was a real privilege to experience this in a naturist
Overall the
walk was very well organised and a lot of fun. I'd definitely
recommend taking part in a NatRam walk for anyone new to naturist
walking as it's a fun, friendly and safe way to try it out. I
can't wait until the next one. Thanks very much to Peter and
the rest of the team!
My first Nat
Ram walk was along the River Ouse in Sussex on a hot sunny day.
Perfect conditions. Not the first time I've been naked in public
I've been doing that for decades on my own walks and I did it
once before with another group 6 years ago. Both of those were
very cautious involving dressing whenever there was the slightest
risk of being seen. This was different. 20 of us stripped off
almost immediately and remained naked for almost the whole time.
There were a lot of people about, the majority looked and laughed
their day improved by seeing us. Some joined us and chatted whilst
our paths crossed. Only a minority looked away and ignored us.
It seems today we are socially acceptable. It has changed my
behaviour on my walks, I'm no longer covering up at the slightest
risk of being seen and have had the same happy response from
the people I've met. So tomorrow I will do another walk. Thank
you for existing.
I really enjoyed
my first ever group walk . I wasn't too sure what to expect and,
as the weather forecast was so bad and thunderstorm warnings
given days before, I didn't think anyone would actually turn
up! However, on arrival at the meeting point in a beautiful village,
there were 6 of us determined to brave the elements and enjoy
the freedom of the walk.
I felt a great
feeling of exhilaration when we all stripped off and walked along
an easy footpath through fields and hedgerows with beautiful
sloping countryside views surrounding us.
Whilst the
rain didn't hold off for most of the 12 mile walk and we were
caught in a torrential downpour with no where to shelter, everyone
was friendly and in good spirits.
We stayed naked
for the majority of the walk, even crossing a fairly well used
road at one point and had an unforeseen encounter with a 'textile'
and his dog coming the other way, when it was too late to cover
up. However, he just smiled and greeted us!
The leader
Geoff was knowledgeable and appreciated my turning up when so
many had pulled out on the day. I can't wait to be able to join
another group and hopefully, have better weather.
Thank you to
all at NAT RAM for a wonderful experience!
My first Nat
Ram walk, Friston Forest and Seven Sisters, was fantastic. I'd
like to thank everyone for being so welcoming and friendly. I
had been a little nervous about what would happen if we were
to run into clothed walkers along the way, but after the first
couple of encounters (no offence taken by passers-by, just friendly
smiles and chat) I was absolutely fine. After a while, I completely
forgot that I had no clothes on, and simply enjoyed the sun and
breeze on my skin.
The walk was
well organised, and it always felt like someone was "in
control", so to speak - making sure we went the right way
and covered up when necessary (which was only a couple of times).
Martin gave us some very interesting snippets of information
along the way about the local landscape and flora. There were
people from so many different areas and walks of life that there
was never a shortage of interesting conversation. I was fascinated
by several discussions about whether or not to cover up by default
in busier areas - I can see both sides of the argument there.
Overall, the
walk exceeded my expectations as a newcomer. It's so refreshing
to be around people with a similar attitude to nudity, and the
whole experience gave me the courage to be myself for a day without
fear. Absolutely marvellous!
The day surpassed
my expectations, well organized, a great feeling of exhilaration
walking naked in the open countryside, and above all a friendly
bunch of people to spend the day with. Thankyou very much for
a fun first time experience, I'm looking forward to when i can
join another walk.
Arranging my
first walk with Naturist Ramblers Club was a big step
for me. The walk was the Great Bottom walk, a sense
of humour I thought, but in fact it was the name of a location
on the walk itself. So I arrived at the meeting point with some
apprehension, the weather forecast was for sunshine and showers
and a high of 15C. The walk itself was 12 miles taking in a mixture
of scenery from riverside meadows, farmland, forest, chalk upland
and deserted valleys. Who could ask for more as I have loved
walking for many years in various parts of the country, but not
nude with strangers?
On arrival I noticed a couple of guys chatting so I went over
to them and found out they were on the same walk. They were easy
to chat to and we were soon joined by others and it became apparent
that there was a good mixture of naturist ramblers, some who
had done several walks, others with one or two walks and four
or five with no experience. Bernado, the walk leader, introduced
himself and made a careful note who everyone was and ticked us
off his list and he gave a briefing to everyone. Having a list
of everyone on the walk was reassurance just in case anything
should go wrong on the walk, as accidents can happen. It further
demonstrated how well organised the walks are.
There was a general briefing, and the new members were identified
so that everyone was aware and encouraged to chat so as not to
let anyone feel isolated. After all whats the purpose of
going on a group walk if you dont want to chat with others
in your group. There were 15 walkers on this particular walk.
And so we set off, I was looking forward to the sense of freedom
and exhilaration shedding ones clothes in the open air
can provide, but with people I dont know?!
Once we were in the open countryside it wasnt long before
we removed our clothing and continued our walk. The atmosphere
was better than it had been because, I think, the decision had
been made and here I was enjoying the fresh air on my skin but
the conversation carried on as it had been previously in a natural
environment with like minded naturists. As the walk continued
the nakedness became almost second nature and I enjoyed the walk
for what it was, great scenery with a likeable bunch of individuals.
I was never treated as a newbie by any of the group we all seemed
to get along fine and chatted and walked alongside each other
for hours.
Lunch was taken a little late for me about 2.15pm and we had
been walking for a couple of hours by then, much of it uphill.
It wasnt too strenuous but I was feeling the drain of energy.
So for next time I will pack a couple of energy bars to nibble
on the way - it was my own fault, perhaps I should have had a
snack before the walk started as it was midday or thereabouts.
Perhaps the lack of pockets had something to do with?
We had a good break for lunch and had experienced a couple of
light rain showers, there was also a cool wind blowing which
urged us to take shelter behind a large tree and cover up awhile
to maintain some warmth. On resuming we were about half way along
and after a period of brief warm sunshine the rain started again
but with a real downpour this time. We were in a forest but it
did nothing to shelter us and there were rivulets running down
the tracks. I suppose wearing nothing, there is little to get
wet, but this is not the tropics and we had to cover up to keep
warm so be mindful to carry something suitable. I did have rainwear
with me and warm clothing. The rain only lasted about 10 minutes.
But as usual, by the time you get covered up the rain stops,
however the sun shone for the remainder of the walk through upland
We returned to the starting point of our walk after putting our
clothing on, of course. During the walk we remained nude except
for the start and finish areas, while crossing a main road and
to keep warm while immobile (lunch) and heavy rain storm.
So to sum up, this was a day I thoroughly enjoyed, indeed the
feeling of being a naturist rambler exceeded my expectation and
the walk was very well organised and the route brought us into
contact with very few other people on this day, but that may
have been more to do with the weather. The group was very welcoming
and helpful as was Bernado. Other members of the committee were
also present and they shared their knowledge and lead by example.
The pace, I thought was appropriate for the conditions and the
walkers present. Those textiles we did meet were seemingly okay
with our natural appearance and the current guidelines for naturist
rambling were followed which provides me with confidence to look
forward to my next walk.
The walk surpassed
my expectations. I expected it to be well organised and led but
I was not expecting that everyone would be so friendly and welcoming.
Despite differences in age, fitness and experience, the group
gelled very well. We all stayed together (most of the time!)
with a pace that was suitable for all. I was afraid that the
pace would be too fast for me, as I am not a fast rambler, but
it was just right. Also, the length (11 miles) and route were
perfect, giving plenty of opportunity to be naked throughout,
except for during a brief downpour, during the lunch break when
it was too chilly, and when crossing a main road. I had done
a small amount of naked walking in the past, but never within
a group. I thought I would thoroughly enjoy it, and I did!
The walk meandered
through the most amazing display of bluebells I have seen and
I hope to return again before the show is over. We did come across
quite a few walkers and cyclists in the woods but all those we
met were most friendly and responded well to our cheerful hellos.
I think the fact that we appeared confident in our own skin dispelled
any concerns that they might have had and I think this was down
to the walk leaders.
In short the
walk was excellent although perhaps a little slow for my liking
but I accept some walkers are naturally slower than others. The
walk certainly came up to my expectations it was well organised
and the website and joining instructions were very clear. Everyone
I spoke to was very friendly and welcoming. Those I spoke to
agreed that we should be much more open in extolling the virtues
of clothes free walking rather than keeping it a secret. I think
the Nat Ram organisers do an excellent job in this respect.
I managed to
find my way to join the others just in time to enjoy my first
Stark Trekkers walk yesterday led by Peter.
I did not expect
to necessarily feel free to peel off in 6C January but weather
stayed dry and wind calm so Peter encouraged us all to try getting
"into uniform" and very soon all eight of us enjoyed
a couple of hours walk in the woods in liberated freedom until
our picnic break when we stopped and some clothing were a blessing
while we were not moving :-) I was made to feel very welcome
and will recommend the walks to naturist friends. We met around
seven textile walkers in about 5 groups and experienced no difficulties
other than perhaps a little surprise given the time of year :-)
Right from
the first contact by email, the approachability of the group
shone through with all questions and concerns answered in a friendly
way. Everything came across as well organised but not bureaucratic...and
what a bargain membership is!
I had wanted
to try one of the hikes for a long time and finally dates and
location worked. Directions to the start were great. A warm welcome
was received individually from rhe organisers and other members
and a kind introduction made to the group.
From the first
steps, other hikers chatted and showed an interest in their new
member and conversation flowed throughout the walk.
We set off
at noon and only a few minutes in we stopped to remove our clothes
with plenty of time to reapply sunscreen. Clothes stayed off
until the last quarter of an hour back along the road. I have
been to other naturist events so am used to being naked, but
if this had been a first it was all done so naturally and without
fuss I am sure a newbie would have felt comfortable.
The walk was
at a reasonable speed throughout although the group tended to
spread out; I was glad I was one of the slightly faster walkers
as it allowed longer stops waiting for others! Stops were regular
allowing for drinks, lunch, sunscreen etc. Lunch was a couple
of hours into the walk. The going was reasonable - some hills,
a mix of easy paths/tracks and more challenging terrain. Fortunately
there was a bit of a breeze as the weather was hot and sunny
and much of the walk was quite exposed with limited shade. Views
were specatacular if very brown in the drought! Six and a half
hours later we arrived back at the start (and, yes I was exhausted!)
The management
and leadership of the walk was excellent. Clear instructions
were given at the start, frequent counts made during the afternoon,
updates on progress were available and the regular checks on
us newbies was welcome. The follow up email was also welcome
and reinforced the open and welcoming nature of the group.
In summary....wow!
I had concerns, but what a friendly easy going bunch of people.
Everything was just so natural (in all ways!). Not an easy walk
but not too challenging. Thanks all. I'm looking forward to the
next walk!
2021 ------------------------------------------
I had a fabulous
day which exceeded my expectations. The day was well organised
from the start & I was made to feel welcome from the moment
I parked my car at the meeting point. Despite being more than
a tad cold at the outset the transfer into uniform wasnt
as difficult as Id anticipated & as soon as we got
moving I started to warm up. The walk itself was stunning with
a combination of lovely views, open landscapes & sheltered
woodland over the course of some 11 miles. I got to meet &
chat to some lovely people along the way & enjoy good company
over well placed stops for lunch & tea. Definitely recommended
& I certainly hope that this will be the first of many more.
The Wepham
walk was my first foray into social nudism, when I arrived everyone
was very friendly and it seemed to be well organized. After we
set off, it seemed like we had no sooner past the last house
when the call to change onto club kit was given. Although this
is what I had come for and had chosen cloths that could be removed
with the minimum of fuss, I was suprised that I didn't feel anxious
or embarrassed removing my cloths. But standing there before
we set off again did seem slightly surreal.
I did enjoy the day and even walking in the rain at the end of
the day was quite enjoyable.
I had a great
day, beautiful weather and scenery and a really friendly group
of people who were all really welcoming to a newcomer to the
group. I was also impressed with how organised the walk was and
how everyone looked out for each other.
Did you
enjoy your day with Nat Ram?
I thoroughly enjoyed my day with Nat Ram. It
was great fun to meet people from all walks of life - from bosses
of founder-led businesses, academics, and life models to
architects, retirees, and ex-military types. The walk
was great. The scenery was wonderful. 10/10!
Did it come
up to your expectations?
Nat Ram didn't come up to my expectations - it exceeded them.
I was particularly pleased to realise it was quite a socially
liberal club. In the past I have found some landed clubs
to be surprisingly conservative, with more than their fair share
of - dare I say it - Little Englanders. Despite the
average age of the Nat Ram group being, I would guess, around
about 65, it was an open-minded group of people and - while I
was twenty years younger than a good percentage of the group
- I didn't feel out of place
How well
did you think that it was organised?
Nat Ram's behind the scenes organisation is absolutely A-grade.
Really first class. I remember it was good when I came
with Helen back in 2003. It's an even slicker operation
now. Best of all, I didn't get roped into doing any of
the leg work!
Do you think
that the group welcomed new members?
I didn't expect everyone to be quite so welcoming.
I thought that, as a guy turning up on my own, I'd be made to
feel like a bit of a pariah - you can be made to feel at naturist
events. Not a bit of it, despite a bit of an age gap.
Everyone was very friendly.
I enjoyed the day very much
and felt it was very well organised. It's amazing how a good
walk can clear your head with all the fresh air and fantastic
scenery. It's lovely to talk to new like minded people.
It's always great to have a good meal at the end of the
day too. It's amazing you come up with some great walks. I have
lived in the area 40 years and never even seen some of the area!
Here we go as to my 1st time
experience of a naturist ramble......
To be honest it's was most
enjoyable. A great walk in the countryside on a sunny day, 12
miles with lunch stop, not too rushed and plenty of time to chat
away meeting new open-minded people. We met a fair few members
of the public who were most interested in who we were!
The organisation before &
after was second to none, the leader of my pod for the day Peter
W was 1st class, approachable, knowledgeable and for a newbie
like myself made me feel welcome as one of the pod, couldn't
have asked for more! And of course, if you want to ramble / hike
the surrounding countryside is spectacular, fields, woods, downland
and views.
What better way to spend a
day shrugging off any inhibitions one might have about joining
a naturist ramble in the beautiful countryside.
Please keep me posted as to
all future events, and any other naturist activities.
Once more thanks to the NR
group & fellow walkers, and hope to see you soon.........
Regarding my
experience....... it was a great walk for me. I needn't
have been anxious as it turned out to be a quite natural day
out as if I were abroad somewhere instead of the Kent countryside.
And what a great way to see our own beautiful surroundings.
I was greeted and treated in a completely natural way which
was just ideal. The route was well thought out with a perfect
place for lunch.
2020 ------------------------------------------
We thoroughly enjoyed our first
NatRam event, walking nude with the group on one of the hottest
days of the year for pretty much the entire 10 miles of glorious
Wiltshire countryside, with minimal interaction with anyone else
. The route was well planned and the pub welcomed us warmly,
even whilst jumping through all the one way system / social distancing
/ sanitising hoops. The food was great.
The joining instructions were clear and Robin and Keith took
great care to make sure we were fully informed about what to
expect before we arrived. The pod system reassured us that the
organisers were taking a responsible approach to the Covid restrictions.
As the walk went on the pods became more flexible, which worked
well to accommodate the differing pace of walkers. We appreciated
the guidance given on when to put our clothes on and the well
timed lunch and tea stops gave further chances to chat.
Everyone we spoke to was lovely. People made sure we were introduced
and checked we were ok at various points in the day. As a lone
female amongst 25+ blokes I felt entirely comfortable chatting
to anyone and everyone about a variety of topics, enjoying the
rich life experiences of many of our fellow walkers - some but
not all of which was naturist related. In fact at various points
in the day I completely forgot that none of us had clothes on.
It was with a certain amount
of trepidation, that I headed down to the meet-up point for my
first naturist walk. Because of Covid, we were split into pods
of 4-6 people and headed out at staggered intervals. The smaller
numbers made it very easy to get to know my fellow walkers who
were all extremely warm and welcoming. Once far enough outside
the village (roughly 0.5km) came time to disrobe. Even though
you know it's perfectly legal, it's hard to shake the feeling
you're doing something wrong. However, the moment quickly passes
and what remains is the wonderful feeling of being outdoor as
nature intended. The walk went off without a hitch and the few
fleeting encounters with other path users was always respectful
and handled with sensitivity. The walk was 18km in total, and
it felt like the time flew by. I have since gone on to do a number
of other walks with NatRam and all have been equally enjoyable
I attended a few years ago
so had some idea that it would be an enjoyable day with like-minded
folk. Well organised with realisation sometimes plans have to
change. I felt welcomed by all. I appreciate the fellowship including
the importance of a meal together.
The walk was everything I'd
hoped it would be - exhilarating, liberating and fun. The route
was well planned and enabled us to walk for at least 10 of the
11 miles naked with no need to cover up. The few interactions
with clothed members of the public were either neutral or amusing
which helped me to relax. Information in advance was thorough
and leadership was great with no need to worry about the route
and rest places were well chosen with the option of sun or shade.
Obviously, the restrictions which were necessary as a result
of COVID-19 meant that there was less scope to mix but I thoroughly
enjoyed chatting to the rest of my "pod" about all
things naked and a range of other topics! Thoroughly looking
forward to the next one. Only regret is that I didn't join years
ago so have been missing out!
I very much enjoyed my first
walk with Naturist Ramblers and was made very welcome by the
fellow members of my 6 person pod of walkers, an adaptation by
the club to accommodate COVID19 regulations that worked very
well. The walk was well organised and clearly the issues
about how to respond to walking safety in these COVID times had
been carefully considered by the club. It was also, clear
from the outset that the pod leader had been well briefed and
knew where we were meant to be going, it was reassuring on my
first naked ramble to have their guidance on when to cover up
and when it wasnt needed. The walk was just the right
length for me and the mix of wooded and open countryside made
for an excellent balance of sun and shade with very little need
to cover up until the end of the walk. My fellow walkers
made for enjoyable conversation and were always attentive to
looking after me and the other members of the pod. So my
expectations for the day were exceeded and I look forward to
joining another walk next week, the benefits of being retired
and have time for a change.
I thoroughly enjoyed my first
walk, despite the weather being a bit fresh! Distance
and pace were ideal for me (although I appreciate that the pace
may have been faster than usual due to the weather) and the group
certainly welcomed me as a new member; I felt very welcome and
I think almost everyone made the effort to come and talk to me
during the walk. Overall, a very pleasant day with a group of
friendly and interesting people that surpassed my expectations!
I look forward to joining the group on more walks next year.
I very much enjoyed my first
walk with the group...a lovely welcome, well organised and very
good company on an excellent walk. The distance was just right
for me and I was impressed with the very well planned walk, mixing
open country and woodland. I'll definitely be joining some walks
next year.
I had my first walk with the
Naturist Ramblers on the Chiltern Scrap walk and what an absolute
pleasure. If you forget for a moment the pleasure and freedom
of being able to walk naked through some very nice countryside,
the welcome and refreshing pragmatic approach to new members
and naturism is second to none. Right from the start you are
made to feel part of the club with a personal welcome, the walk
is explained, any questions answered openly and honestly, and
everyone was happy to chat and share a story or two along the
way. We covered up when it was appropriate, stayed in 'club uniform'
(a new phrase I learnt) all the other times, wished other walkers
a cheery hello as we passed and I genuinely had a fantastic time.
This all helped to make the club a very friendly place and when
I complimented this, the simple reply was 'this is what we do'.
Well all I will say is keep doing what you do as it is great
showcase for what naturism is about! I look forward to joining
you all again in the future.
I've walked naked a few times
near where I live and at places I either know won't have anyone
around, or where I can see people in the distance and cover up.
Man on his own...must be up to no good and I'd rather just avoid
any confrontation/nastiness etc. Being with a large group though
was fab and definitely safety in numbers - not that any of us
are doing anything unlawful! So my first time with a group. It
was great that straight away there was no stuffiness/clique -
just 'hi, you must be the new guy...' and chatting away. I never
felt left out at all. Often there's a strong clique and noobs
just have to put up with it but I never felt that at all.
Organisation - yep, great. Well planned route. Walk leader was
really good/informative etc. Could be a little quicker pace but
there was quite an age-spread so no real niggle there. I just
wanted to see more of the countryside!
All positive. I may try for the one in early September but everything
for me from Cornwall is a long way.
Thanks again, it was a really fab day and I can't wait for another
My first Naturist Ramble was
a memorable experience. I was warmly welcomed by all and I felt
very comfortable. It was great to be walking in beautiful open
countryside without clothes. It just felt so natural. The walk
was very well organised with several stops for refreshment. Everyone
was so friendly and there was plenty of opportunity to chat.
Ill be joining the next walk at the earliest opportunity!
I really enjoyed my first Nat
Ram walk, the weather helped as it was a lovely sunny day.
Everyone was very friendly, welcoming and chatted to me. I thought
the walk was well planned, mostly avoiding people and the need
to put clothes on and it was about the right distance . The leader
was very good , knew the route well , with well planned breaks.
I like walking and being out in the sun and love being naked
- so it was great to combine those things and it was very liberating.
Despite being nervous all morning,
and really wondering whether to go or not, I had no problem once
I met up with a few people, and soon become comfortable once
we started walking. I even got to chat to someone who went to
the same school as I did, so all in all, a very pleasant day.
I was a little nervous on my
first naturist walk, however having stripped off to wear the
groups uniform I soon relaxed and didn't even hesitate when we
met clothed walkers within 5 minutes!
Walking as group gave me confidence and everyone was very welcoming.
The walk was very well organised and also had short cut options
for those who didn't want to walk the full route.
The day was finished off with many of the walkers having a meal
in a pub afterwards which was very pleasant.
Overall an enjoyable day and will definitely be walking proud
With regards to my first NatRam
walk, it was absolutely fantastic and Im really looking
forward to joining a few more walks later in July and August.
I found the whole day to be
extremely well organised and I was made to feel very welcome
from the very start, not just by the walk leader, but by everyone
there. The whole day exceeded my expectations. Many thanks for
the amazing work that you all do to make these walks happen.
have always enjoyed hiking, and my husband and I have sought
out naturist beaches on holiday, and I've often fancied naked
hiking so I was delighted to find Nat Ram so close to home!
I emailed Keith
and he was very friendly in his replies which set my mind at
rest, and I read all the reviews and looked at all the pictures
of previous walks, so I was pretty sure of what to expect.
I was slightly nervous as there didnt seem to be many girls in
the group but figured it was still worth exploring. I should
say at this stage that my husband is 100% supportive but due
to injury he can't hike.
The day of
my first hike finally arrived, and while I was okay in the car
on the way there, when I arrived panic set in!! What was I thinking??
Rambling naked through the UK countryside suddenly seemed like
madness, and spent 5 minutes in the car having an internal battle
with myself until I finally plucked up the courage to get out
of the car! I walked over and introduced myself only to
be told that everyone was in the pub. Now I don't normally
drink at 11.30am but I figured a bit of dutch courage might help
(it did!!). Everyone was very friendly and I was glad I
got out of the car, but as i looked around I realised I was the
only woman!!! OMG!
At midday we
set off - me and 29 complete strangers. However, I soon got chatting
to another first timer and before long the walk leader said it
was time to get naked....so I did! I was surprised how
easy it was to get naked when everyone else is doing the same!
The feeling of the sun all over your body is invigorating and
it felt amazing! At no stage through the day did I feel
weird being the only female....everyone was so friendly and at
times I even forgot I was naked!
The pace was
gentle and for the novice rambler its an easy walk. I am used
to a faster pace but it was lovely to slow down and appreciate
the stunning surroudings! The walk was very well organised
and Keith, John and Peter led the group with confidence, especially
when we came across textiles! Strength in numbers maybe but we
didn't cover up and the few people we met were extremely friendly!
At this stage
it might be worth pointing out that I don't look like some of
the other women I saw in the photos on the web page! I look like
what I am - a woman hurtling towards 50 years old, carrying a
few extra pounds (winter warmth!!), vericose veins and droopy
uneven boobs thanks to giving birth to 2 children, and my bum
seems to be heading south, but do you know what, for the first
time in ages I didn't feel judged or self concious! I would
encourage any woman who fancies giving it a go to try, it as
it was bloody wonderful, especially if you have a low body image
as it really didn't matter!!
Would I do
it again - definitely! Did it bother me that there were
more men than women - nope! Once naked we were all the same -
a bunch of like minded people who enjoy rambling naked through
beautiful countryside, and gender didnt matter! Come on
ladies.....give it a go....its brilliant and I can't wait until
I can go again!!
My first experience
with Nat Ram was fascinating. Everyone was very welcoming and
friendly. I thoroughly enjoyed the day.
I had been
keen to do a naturist ramble for some time, so it was great that
I found this website just in time to get signed up before the
Friston Forest walk. The forecast for the day was 24° too!
Unfortunately, on the day it was nothing like that and I wondered
whether the ramble would go ahead. Anyway, we took the bus to
the start of the walk, walked about 200 metres along the bank
of the Cuckmere River and suddenly, up ahead, everyone was stripping
off. I joined in. Ive been a naturist for some years, so
that wasnt a problem, but blimey it was a bit parky. Once
we got walking and chatting it was OK. Although my hands went
a bit purple, everything else seemed to cope OK and it was a
great walk in spectacular scenery. Walking along the Seven Sisters,
naked in a strong breeze, is an experience I wont forget!
The group was very welcoming and friendly and I enjoyed chatting
on the walk and during the meal in the pub afterwards. Ill
definitely be going again.
I have been
a naturist and a member of BN for 40 years, but apart from an
organised walk from a French naturist site about 30 years ago
and a solo walk along part of the North Devon Coastal Path last
year, I have not done any naturist walking. Thus, it was with
a mixture of anticipation and a little anxiety that I arrived
at the starting point for the walk in Ashdown Forest. I was surprised
to find over 30 walkers, including several other first-timers.
We were very quickly out of our clothes, and it felt very good,
and natural, to be walking naked, even when after only about
5 minutes we crossed a road in full view of several cars. With
so many walkers, there were lots of opportunities to enjoy conversations
with others as we walked along. The walk was interesting, covering
both woodland and heathland, with views at times towards the
South and the North Downs and it was just the right length for
my first walk.
I so much enjoyed the second walk that I joined the Wepham walk
the following week. This walk was very different to the first,
starting in the Arun Valley (near a village that I had not previously
visited, despite being Sussex born and bred) and climbing onto
the top of the South Downs, with views towards the sea and across
the West Sussex weald. There were over 40 walkers this time,
and again lots of chats with like-minded individuals. Lunch was
taken on the Downs overlooking the village of Storrington, with
a lovely view northwards. This was a longer walk and there was
a shorter version, which a took as I was off on holiday to France
the next day, which will prevent me from joining one of my favourite
walks (always previously textile) in Friston Forest and along
the Seven Sisters section of the South Downs Way.
I will attend more of the walks and would encourage anyone thinking
of trying nude walking to join the group - you will enjoy the
walking and the company.
Any person
with previous experience on naturist events knows that you are
up for a great time when joining a new one, and this wasn't an
exception. The group was very jolly and they quickly made me
feel part of it. There were plenty of experienced walkers with
lots of stories and remarks about the area, and it was overall
a great new experience from both a social and fitness point of
Finally, location,
timing and the self-confidence to take part in a group Naked
Ramble, all came together on a beautiful 11-mile walk around
the Ashdown Forest.
It was with
some nervousness that I joined NatRam for the walk. I knew none
of the other walkers, but the group was instantly recogniseable
because at least one of its members wore a kilt - probably the
most convenient cover-up I understand.
The members
of the group were extremely friendly and chatty and I found it
very easy to settle in.
The thing that
impressed me the most was how soon after the walk we were able
to disrobe. Within about 2 minutes of entering a pathway we were
all naked and enjoying the warm, if dull weather.
I spend a lot
of time naked, at home and out and about, if I can, so it was
a very comfortable experience. We passed a clothed walker in
the early stages and it took me moment to remember that we might
be a bit of a surprise to him.
Peter, our
walk leader, was very knowledgeable and, contributed some interesting
information along the way, about the area, and as a nature lover
I enjoyed looking at the many plants and other creatures along
the way. We had a few breaks, including lunch near a pretty stream
and a short swim in a pond. There were one or two occasions where
I felt a little nervous, particularly when passing some casual
walkers. Most were very accepting and cheerful however.
To my great
joy, the club's revised cover-up policy meant that we were able
to stay naked for almost the entire walk. I think we were only
clothed for a total of about 10 minutes during the whole experience.
My enthusiasm
for walking naked in groups and alone has increased significantly
and I hope to take part in another walk soon.'
I don't often
participate in naturism as a social activity, but the walks led
by the Naturist Ramblers looked like an attractive proposition
from the point of view that I could spend the afternoon, naked
in the country without having to worry so much about other people.
The experience was more than I expected because of the friendly
and interesting company together with some varied scenery - from
forests with splendid trees to lovely open areas. The weather
was also most kind.
It was so relaxing to be able to remain unclothed when we encountered
other people out on the same paths, and the large organised group
generally made them feel less uncomfortable when faced with the
unusual sight of naked people in public.
The arranged
meeting place for my first walk in Ashford Forest was a local
pub. A warm welcome awaited and it was not long before we set
off on our walk. A few minutes in and our clothes were discarded.
A super and really exhilarating experience. The feeling of the
breeze on ones whole body was really good. I have attended
many naturist events but have never been in a walking group before.
Loved it and cant wait for the next one. The walk itself
was stretching but there were rest breaks as well as an opportunity
for a dip. At the end I was tired but felt really good that I
had met up with a really friendly group of people. This time
I missed the opportunity for a post walk supper in the pub but
definitely next time. Thank you to everybody for organising this
group and these walks.
I thoroughly
enjoyed my first walk with The Naturist Ramblers. We were obviously
lucky that the weather was so good that day, and the walk was
excellent. I have been a Naturist for many years, but being the
first time on an organised walk like this, I was not quite sure
exactly how the day would proceed. But I felt totally at ease
right from the start and am very much looking forward to my next
outing with the group. Everyone was very friendly, and a big
'Thank You' to Martin who organised things so well.
I very much
enjoyed the walk last Tuesday. All the group were so friendly
and helpful. I got to know lots of new people and it was nice
to know that some of the veteran walker still enjoy it as much
as the first time. The event was very well organised and Martin
the leader made every effort to make sure everything went off
well. It was particularly reassuring that the route has been
established for many years and we were able to complete without
having to cover up on the way around. The weather was perfect
and added to this enjoyable day. Many thanks again and I shall
definitely be on another walk soon.
I have now
completed 2 walks with NatRam. Blissfull experience walking naked
in relaxed company in fabulous natural surroundings. Luckily
my days were full of warm sunshine. The walks are well planned
and must have involved many hours of work in planning, checking
etc. Met very few textiles. A friendly welcoming group of ramblers.
Many thanks to our walk leaders for giving of their time.
I enjoy walking,
and having walked naked on Fuerteventura earlier this year, I
was keen to join NatRam on the Ridgeway. It was a hot sunny day
so clothes off as soon as we had left the village. As we approached
the Bury Down car park we covered-up, only to receive enthusiastic
support from a couple with teenage daughters en route to Portsmouth.
Lunch was taken in amongst trees at an ancient meeting place
to gain some respite from the sun and where we gained some history
of the Ridgeway Path from our leader. We finally sat and dozed
under some trees until it was time to put on clothes before dinner
at a local hostelry. Every one was keen to chat and I thoroughly
enjoyed the day with some fantastic views. I am really looking
forward to joining the group for another walk soon.
.....To sum
up, a delightful walk (Bury Down) with amazing far reaching views
in excellent weather.
I will no doubt visit that area again either on my own or with
Nat Ram.
With experience
of doing solo and nude hikes with 1 3 others under my
belt this was the first walk Id been on where Ive
been totally relaxed throughout. Perhaps it was strength in numbers,
or the new police guidance read out before the walk, the knowledge
of the walk leader? Well all of those but also I think it was
the broad accepting bunch I was walking with, not cliquey (a
problem Ive encountered in textile walking groups) despite
me being new, and all done in good humour. Ill be repeating
the experience soon!
The Naked Ramblers
are a very welcoming and inclusive, and have a clear commitment
to creating and building community. The walk leaders curate and
adapt routes with fabulous views that can start with ice cream
and typically end at a pub for a beer, or if time permits, dinner.
The rambles unfold with easy conversation and camaraderie, and
end too soon. Join in!
Our walk along
Ackling Dyke was the perfect naturist day for me, and I have
a lot to choose from over the years: good weather, great scenery
and really wonderful company. There is nothing that beats naturism
as a way to get to know people, it is a shared interest and a
shared experience that brings us together as a group. I sat for
tea on the side of a hill after several hours of unbroken nude
rambling together and just gazed at the sun shimmering off the
valley before us, absolutely happy to be there and looking forward
to my next ramble.
This was my
first ever walk. I found it to be a really enjoyable experience.
It was lovely to spend the day with like minded people and make
some new friends too!. The walk was very well organised and everyone
I spoke to was having a great time. Thank you so much for a great
day. Looking forward to many future walk with this group.
Despite chilling
rain and wind in the morning and a forecast of further wind for
the rest of the day, I decided to head off with some trepidation
to the start of the Arun Gap walk. I was relieved to see a good
number of others also braving the weather and immediately felt
relaxed in their company. After completing the necessary formalities,
I headed off with the group, still wondering whether there would
be any opportunity to get naked. The weather was however extremely
kind to us and I was very soon enjoying the thrill of being naked
with the others in the most glorious scenery and in superb weather.
Martin was a very informative leader, taking us through remote
countryside with the most glorious views over the Weald, to Arundel
Castle and even out to sea. I loved the varied terrain, through
fields of common spotted orchids and other downland flora, woodland
and along river banks. The opportunity for a dip in the River
Arun was very welcome and the lunchtime stop in a sunlit clearing
in an old quarry in the centre of an ancient wood was an inspired
choice. I felt very quickly at home with the group who readily
accepted me. In the end we walked nearly all the 12 miles naked
and left all thoughts of textile life behind. The day far exceeded
my expectations and I cant wait for my next walk.
I have enjoyed
walking in the countryside for many years, I have also enjoyed
naturism for several years. It seemed a natural step to combine
both interests. I saw the notice on the BN website, and contacted
Peter for details. The meeting place was a country pub with good
facilities. We were able to undress shortly after leaving the
start and stay that way most of the day with only a few occasions
that required a "cover up". It was good tracks most
of the day with easy walking and few stiles. A friendly group
of ramblers. The weather was just right for naturist walking
- not too hot and not too breezy. I look forward to another walk
with the group.
My first walk
with NatRam was a really enjoyable and positive experience
Walking naked
as part of a large group allowed me to relax and enjoy the route,
the scenery and the conversation
I was made
to feel very welcome and included from the moment I arrived,
and any apprehension I had about whether Id find the experience
odd disappeared long before I undressed
When we got
back to civilisation at the end of the day it was
a real compromise to dress again - Ill certainly be back.
I have enjoyed
my day a lot, pity I couldn't stay for dinner to socialize. I
will join you shortly, next month probably, have to arrange day
off from work.
I have been on a Weald Side walk with Naturist Ramblers. The
walk itself is extremely well organized and it's a group of fantastic
members. The walk wasnt too long or too short - 10 miles very
well planned from the perspective of the path and timing. It
is a very pleasant hiking for everyone regardless their gender,
age or physical predispositions. Be naked!
I recently
enjoyed a day out with Nat Ram. I'd previously walked nude with
a few friends and I'd really liked being naturally naked in nature
on them. I'm pleased that I've now taken part in a Nat Ram walk
and will be back for the next one too.
My first walk was a popular one, it broke the record for the
number of participants, it felt great to be naked on it with
so many like-minded people. The walk went through a mix of woods
and open landscapes and we were lucky with the weather, in that
there was a bit of drizzle towards the end, but we were sheltered
in woods for most of that section. There were a few times when
we had to cover up while on short sections of roads and passing
close to a few houses, but for the great majority of the walk
we were nude. So the aim of walking naked for most of the day
was easily achieved. The walk had been well-researched, it had
been checked out again just before we went, there was some interesting
information passed around about the route and places visited.
I knew a few of the participants from beforehand. If you've been
socialising nude for a while this can be the case, but the 'regulars'
were very welcoming to newcomers to this way of life as well.
I met some good people, saw some great views and really enjoyed
myself. I stayed for the meal in the pub afterwards, which was
a great way to end the day. If some, or all, of these things
appeal to you I'd recommend joining in, its fun, healthy and
nude. Thanks for the organisation, I really appreciate the effort
and time put into making the walk work well.
I would like
to say how I enjoyed the walk very much and the people I met
and spoken to while walking through the fields and trees, some
I had seen and spoken to in the past on other naturist walks,
others I met for the first time. Everyone was pleasant. The weather
was good to start with but got worse towards the end.This is
no reflection on the walk itself, as we cannot always predict
the weather.
The walk was
well organised and the views were great to see across the open
fields, even walking through the woods was pleasant and enjoyable,
this made a good change from the open areas. Having two stops
along the way is a good idea to allow me & possibly others
to recover some what, with a lunch and tea break stop.
The walk was
very uplifting, and my fellow hikers friendly and welcoming.
A positive experience all round!
Tom says: I
joined the Nat Ram walks for the first time this year. Id
always wanted to experience the freedom of walking in the countryside
in the nude - and this proved to be a very enjoyable experience.
John, the leader of the walk, is very knowledgeable about the
walk and the group was very welcoming. I hope to be able to join
them for many more walks in the future.
...... if like
me you have fancied the idea of naked rambling but have been
daunted by trying it alone then this group is perfect. Everyone
was very welcoming and the walk was well organised and through
interesting areas which I would never have discovered on my own.
Thank you,
I very much enjoyed the ramble last week and I am looking forward
to many more. Some words follow you are welcome to use.
As a first
time naturist walker in a group I was hoping for three signs
that the walk near Salisbury last week would be the first of
1 a good humoured
crowd willing the chat, find out about one another and avoid
the cliques that can often spoil the experience.
2 a well thought
out route that goes out of its way to avoid offending anyone
but which still has points of interest and fabulous views along
the way that is the main reason for being there.
3 an experienced,
good humoured and well organised guide especially one who can
negotiate with irate farmers tactfully and still allow us to
walk with little interruption.
We had all
three and it made the freedom to walk naked all the more enjoyable.
I very much
enjoyed the naturist walk , it's something I've not done before
but have wanted to try for a while now.
As a new comer to the group I was made to feel very welcome ,
the people are very friendly and this made the whole day enjoyable
for me, it was a beautiful sunny day ideal for my first walk.
I was surprised we managed to walk for hours and hours without
bumping into any one.
I look forward to attending some more of the future walks.
I first became
aware that a group were rambling naked several years ago following
a tv programme, I forget which one!
As I enjoy
being nude, I wanted to give it a try but as I was working it
was difficult to plan. I have recently been made redundant and
currently have free time, so one of the first things I did was
to arrange to attend a naked ramble, which took place just outside
The weather
had recently been glorious but come the day, rain was forecast
for the entire duration of the walk. However the Naturist Ramblers
are a hardy bunch and the walk went ahead anyway. I decided to
travel to Cowden by train and when I arrived there at the station
I saw a few likely looking guys and asked them if they were ramblers,
they said yes and I was immediately, very kindly offered a lift
to the pub meeting point.
The walk started
promptly and very soon after entering a wooded area, the walk
leader gave the ok to strip and we started our naked journey!
Luckily the
temperature stayed warm and the rain held off for most of the
walk which lasted for just over 5 hours. The countryside was
amazing, It was wonderful to be walking through fields and wooded
areas that I would never have seen if it wasn't for the group.
The guys were very relaxed and friendly (there's something about
being naked in company that makes people very amicable) and I
chatted to many of the group as we continued on our way. Being
naked in the open countryside was wonderful, something that I
would be too nervous to do on my own. The few spots of rain toward
the end of the walk were warm and refreshing. There were a few
occasions when the shorts had to briefly go back on as we walked
the occasional road or came across a clothed person and a note
for me for the future is to get something easier than shorts
to pull on and off over my boots.
The evening
ended as the rain started to tip down, with a meal in the pub
All in all,
beautiful countryside, good company, a healthy pastime and naked
outdoors for hours. A brilliant experience that I fully intend
to repeat many times.
Thank you to
all the Naturist Ramblers, particularly the organisers the walk
leader and all the lovely guys I chatted to.
I walk naked
across local fields quite often but around here you can only
get short stretches before having to cover up, so when I saw
"naturist ramble" on the BN website I decided to give
it go. The downside is that all the walks are a long way from
home, but I headed off one morning on the 2½ hour drive
to Whiteways. After battling through road works and congestion
I have to admit I was beginning to think I had taken leave of
my senses: I was driving for 5 hours there and back for what
was going to be about a 5 hour walk, was I mad? However when
I got there and found several people who had driven further I
knew that if I was mad at least I was in good company.
As it turned
out we had about 5 hours out in the countryside and woods with
only a few minutes where we had to cover up. Walking through
the fields with the sun out and a gentle breeze making the skin
tingle was a great reward for the long drive. And walking in
company so that you weren't always looking around to see if there
were textiles about made the walk much more relaxed than a solo
After the walk
we adjourned to a nearby pub and had a very good meal made even
better by the good company of like minded souls. This was more
than just a walk, it was a very good day out. That evening I
lay down with really nice feelings in my body and skin, 5 hours
walking naked had left me feeling great.
So how would
I sum up the day and did it meet my expectations?
In short you
could not meet a more friendly group. It was a wonderful day
in so many respects and I look forward to many more naturist
The Naturist Ramblers are a
group of naturists who split from the Singles Outdoor Club a
year or so ago. They walk mainly in the south east of England
but they recently held a walk in the Swindon vicinity and I thought
let's give it a go.
The walk started at a picture postcard Wiltshire village and
the walk basically took a circular route along the Ridgeway taking
in Sugar Hill and Liddington Castle and was just over 11 miles
long. The walk conveniently started at a very attractive pub
starting just after 12.00 noon. After signing in 27 walkers set
off, including two ladies and three dogs. The weather was fine
and warm but with a strong, and tanning breeze.
After about half a mile it was quiet enough to strip off into
what the group described as the proper uniform. The party had
a group leader and he kept us together in a very friendly way.
The hares stopped from time to time whilst the tortoises caught
up. We had a lunch and a late afternoon stop both overlooking
glorious countryside. En-route we explored the ancient hill fort
Liddington Castle.
The last half mile was along a road but that was unavoidable.
The walk took about six hours and as you may realise ended at
the pub were several members stayed for a meal. Having a hundred
mile journey I said my farewells and stet off home. During the
walk we met about half a dozen people and the policy is not to
upset anyone and we all covered up. Out of the eleven miles I
think we did a little under ten naked. The group was very relaxed
but if you look at their web-site you will see they are properly
organised, are a member club of BN, have insurance and have done
good risk assessments. If their walks were closer to the Midlands
I'd certainly consider doing more. Is there scope for us to organise
a naturist walk?
I want to thank you for the
hospitality on a great day out and indeed I do hope to walk with
you again.
Having wandered by myself up
and down a local unofficial naturist beach, I thought it would
be great to go further a field with a group of like minded people.
NatRam seem to be that from the website and it proved the case
in practice.
The day arrived and I headed off to the meeting point with rain
forecast. Having been made welcome from the moment I arrived,
we headed off for the walk in cloudy but dry weather. Throughout
the day I chatted with people whilst we walk through the countryside
taking in many viewpoints. The rain held off for most of the
day and it was warm enough to stay unclothed.
At the end of the day I said Goodbye but was already planning
to meet up with the group in a few weeks.
The day was everything I hoped it would be, a very enjoyable
naturist walk with good company. I will be joining them again.
Having recently moved to the
south-east I was glad to find a naturist rambling group in the
area and joined them for a walk in the Arun Gap. The group were
very organised and good about providing detailed information
on where to meet, complete with map references as well as a description.
It was a warm day, but with a bit of cloud, which strikes me
as being ideal walking weather. There was a good turnout, with
28 people taking part and the other ramblers were very friendly
and welcoming........
The home stretch through Arundel
park was certainly the highlight of the walk, with a beautiful
view over rolling hills, down to the majestic castle and the
village beyond. All in all, it was a very nice, naked afternoon.
The route of the walk needs to be revised, but the ramblers were
a very friendly and welcoming group and I hope to join them for
more walks in the future.
...... Then off to the pub
to register and start the walk. Paperwork done we set off at
just after mid-day, hot and sunny, 33 enthuiastic walkers. Within
10 minutes of the start of the walk we were able to strip off
and stayed that way for most of the day, with the occassional
cover up when in the presence of textiled marauders. With this
being such a big group there were several catch up stops to allow
everyone to bunch up a bit and for the walk leader ro ensure
there were no member looses en route. There were 2 small groups
that left early, I was in the second small group to leave due
to time restraints for buses and trains, but this wasn't until
about 1745. An enjoyable day. A very friendly group of people.
I look forward to joining them again for another walk soon.
I was invited to join the Wotton
Wander for a trial on the 19th April 2018 and was made welcomed
in the Pubs car park by fellow naturists on arrival. It
was such a happy, friendly crowd that I found myself chatting
away in no time, as if I had known them all my life. I also enjoyed
talking to other members of the group over the day. It felt so
free and easy walking nude in the Surrey Hills in glorious sunshine
on the hottest day of the year so far. A special thank you to
the leader Martin for having put together the wonderful walk.
It was an absolute brilliant day and I already look forward to
the next ramble.